Our Efforts to Make a Positive Impact in the Community

Empowering Communities through Sustainable Solutions: Discover the News and Impact Stories from Our Mission-Driven Work

Lastest News

Clean Energy Funding – Changing One Life at a Time: Story of Christine Wambui

The story of grit, determination, and can-do attitude of our women partners

Clean Energy Funding – Changing One Life at a Time: Story of Mamta

The story of grit, determination, and can-do attitude of our women partners

Clean Energy Funding – Changing One Life at a Time: Story of Krishnadevi

The story of grit, determination, and can-do attitude of our women partners

Microfinance for Clean Energy

Taking on the climate crisis while fighting poverty

Transforming Lives and the Environment

Carbon funding makes it possible to leverage micro finance to fight climate change

Carbon Emission Reductions to Offset a Global Summit

Carbon funding enables microfinance to fight climate change

MicroEnergy Credits is the most trusted name in social impact carbon credits.

Our mission is to empower every microfinance community with access to affordable and innovative clean energy solutions, while moving towards a world free of both poverty and climate change.