Krishna Devi has transformed her life with clean energy.
By adopting an efficient stove, she eliminated indoor air pollution. Her health improved, and she saved time and money with reduced fuel use.
Less wood use reduces deforestation in her area.
By working with women's financial inclusion communities on local awareness of clean energy opportunities, product delivery to remote areas, and aftersales service, MEC creates the conditions necessary for sustainability and scale.
Each dollar of carbon funding generates 10 dollars of credit for entrepreneurs to spend on clean energy products.
This is important because such investment supports a healthy green economy at the local community level.
Together, women's financial inclusion communities have created one of the largest community carbon programs yet registered with the UN.
MEC has built a cloud based monitoring technology which allows remote financial inclusion community leaders to efficiently communicate the performance of the clean energy installations.
We consistently monitor client satisfaction with their clean energy products. The combination of the auditable trail and customer satisfaction leads to high quality carbon credits.
A core feature of women's financial inclusion community building are weekly group meetings. During these meetings microentrepreneurs support each other’s businesses.
Through MEC’s program, awareness of clean energy becomes a weekly practice. Our goal is to make clean energy a component of every home and business financial decision in every village.
The results of your climate action commitment:
Your commitment is making a real difference, to real people, allowing them to move out of poverty.
MEC empowers microentrepreneurs, mostly women, to access affordable clean energy such as solar lighting, efficient stoves and water purifiers.
Our key values are:
• High quality social impact carbon credits
• Funding for communities of women microentrepreneurs
• Catalyzing the shift to clean energy and preventing deforestation
MEC’s founders came from a deep background working in the financial inclusion sector focused on product innovation and information technology. MEC received early support from development institutions such as the IFC and financial inclusion networks, as well as a catalytic early carbon purchase by Microsoft, and is now funded by Social Impact Investors led by the Insitor Impact Fund.
With an unmatched network of financial inclusion and social impact institution partners, MEC continues to innovate to channel funding and expertise in support of women microentrepreneurs world wide.